Want to keep your pitcher in prime shape?

We all know that getting better at almost anything requires practice and more practice.

A young softball pitcher aims to improve her windmill throw and land more strides.

A veteran player yearns to take home the big trophy in next year’s league championship.

These goals are achievable.

And it all starts with working on mechanics and making thousands of practice pitches.

But where to throw those balls during the cold and often inclement weather of the long winter months?

Many coaches, trainers and parents say the NEW Potolite Signature Softball Practice mats help keep their young pitchers in winning form year-round.

These mats weigh less than 40 pounds and are easy for pitchers ages 7 to college to haul around.

They come with spikes - making them perfect for use on synthetic turf, grass, or dirt.

Their unique design means they won’t slip, slide or bunch. They come with lane stripes to replicate collegiate play. And cleanup is easy - just wash down with a hose or spray and hang to dry.

We’ve also made them 11 feet long to accommodate a pitcher’s full stride and create extra space behind the rubber.

These are some of the reasons softball coach Toni Paisley stands behind them.

“Through the years, I’ve seen it all when it comes to fields and practice conditions,” she says.

“I’ve come to believe a quality pitching mat makes all the difference in softball pitching experience.”

Imagine the thrill your young pitcher will feel when she finds one of these grab-and-go mats under the Christmas tree. It’s easy to help her along her softball journey with the chance to practice anywhere and anytime with this convenient mat.


get into the swing of summer baseball with portolite pitching mounds


Coaches and trainers praise Portolite Game Mounds for practice and play as pitchers pivot to Fall Ball