Sports complexes saves time on field prep with portable pitching mounds.


Since opening in 2010, the Bettis Family Sports Complex in Topeka, Kansas, has hosted several NBC World Series, including minor league baseball championships as well as state, regional and national tournaments.

Sports Facility Manager Kevin Stoner says the complex uses multiple two-piece Portolite game mounds to protect the artificial turf from baseball cleats and constant wear. 

Run by Shawnee County Parks, the facility is considered one of the premier, multi-use facilities in the Midwest. It includes six lighted baseball as well as batting cages, a conference room and event center plus a multi-purpose field and locker rooms.

Multiple leagues will use the complex in one night, and Stoner selected Portolite mounds because they are portable and easy to move.

Facility staff can easily shift the mound closer or farther away from home plate depending on whether 8U, 10U or 12U is playing.

“We love them,” Stoner said. “They help us out a ton.”

The Portolite 10” Game Mounds are high school regulation height, making the mounds game-ready for high school teams. And their gentle slopes make younger pitchers comfortable.

Plus, they’re easy to move – the two-piece mound is easy to take a part, move and connect back together, and weighs only 110 or 120 pounds per section.

That means fewer staff is required to be on hand to prep the fields.

“What makes them so great about the ones we have now, the two pieces can actually have only one person move them around instead of four,” Stoner said.

Photos courtesy of Shawnee County, Kansas.

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Portolite Pitching Mound’s 10-year limited warranty says it all. Portolite has set the standard in lightweight, durable and portable pitching mounds since 1992.


Texas baseball league training all ages on Portolite two-piece game mound.


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